EIRP Proceedings, Vol 7 (2012)

Addressing the decision-making process at the global level and multilateralism

Maria Gabriela Sterian


Abstract: In the new global order, some items are likely to give new impetus to multilateralism: the growing discontent in the increasing activity linked to global governance and the slow pace of reform, the emergence of new powers and their impact to the system, global financial crisis and other issues of global concern. Each of these have an impact on the issue of multilateralism and international responses are given according to the role of each part. Objectives: This paper aims to underline the role of multilateralism as form of international cooperation and the link with global economic governance. Prior Work: It has been tried to emphasizing the concepts already developed by known researchers in the field. Approach: The approach is a more theoretic one done in a comparative manner with emphasis on results and future research. Results: The key results are related to pros and cons of redefining the paradigm of multilateralism. Implications: The implications are varied in terms of studying the concepts and addresses researchers in the field, but also lecturers and students. Value: The main added value is the compared approach of the old multilateralism and the new one and its formal relationship with the global economic governance.


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