EIRP Proceedings, Vol 7 (2012)

Arguments for Polycentricity in Romanian Regional Development in the

Raluca Irina Clipa, Flavian Clipa, Dumitru Filipeanu


Our study aims at analysing the monocentric/polycentric trends in Romanian regional development and formulating the recommendations regarding public policy for the attenuation of present development disparities. In order to achieve this goal, we used as variables the annual GDP rates of each region, viewed as representations of their development level, for the period of 2008-2013, based on the data supplied by the National Commission of Prognosis (Comisia Naţională de Prognoză). As a result, we observed a regression of growth rates directly influenced by development levels. We draw the following conclusions: there is a potential, in Romania, for reducing the existent development lag among its regional divisions, through the emergence and sustainable development of new growth poles within poorer regions. The solution for the attenuation of present economic disparities is, consequently, a balanced polycentric development at regional level, opposed to a monocentric development.

By placing our analysis at a normative level, a balanced territorial development can be achieved by orienting public policies in two directions: the stimulation of economic growth within slower-growing regions and the dispersion of economic growth from more developed regions towards less developed ones, through a national redistribution process. It is important that the principles based on 'the ability to generate income' must prevail over those based on 'income discrepancies'.

Our study can constitute itself as a starting point for future research on the role of agglomerations within a possible configuration of a balanced Romanian territorial development.


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