EIRP Proceedings, Vol 7 (2012)

The Pragmatic Dimension of Text

Silviu Serban


This article looks at how the pragmatic aspects of language have led to the birth of a separate discipline, pragmatics, and also, to the critical of some branches of linguistics, as discourse analysis and text linguistics. Being outlined initially through opposition with analytic philosophy, the pragmatic aspects are studied within the philosophy of natural language. Notions as speech act, non-natural meaning or conversational implicature are rapidly integrated in linguistic research, that tries, through these concepts, to explain the non-linguistic elements of the transmission of messages within the linguistic framework. It is the case of integrated pragmatics in France. The interference of linguistics with the sciences of communication led to the emergence of some disciplines that integrate the pragmatic facts, as discourse analysis and text linguistics. The breaking with linguistics occurs with cognitive pragmatics, when the interpretation of transmission of messages as a process of coding and decoding becomes unfitted to explain the non-linguistic facts that do not belong to language. In this context it is developed a critique to the principles of the disciplines that postulate the existence of a some objects, beyond the sentence, as discourse or text.  


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