EIRP Proceedings, Vol 5 (2010)

The Newspaper Editorial Board, the Strength of the Journalistic Success (The Case of Curentul )

Fanel Teodorascu


Curentul newspaper and Pamfil Seicaru, its owner and director, fundamentally changed the interwar journalism. The editorial board was made up of well-known journalists, with extensive experience and a special polemic verve. Due to them, Curentul newspaper soon became a distinctive voice in the interwar media, its sources of information being among the most consistent and extensive. As a consequence, Seicaru's newspaper held a primacy of information during that age, being a paper of wide circulation, moulding the public to like the sensational and shocking those who read it accidentally. In one way or another, the journalistic method of the editorial staff is similar in many respects to that of a tabloid as it was conceived in the interwar years. In the same time, Curentul was a real newspaper of civic opinion and firm political attitude, despite some ideological and inherent derailments in the interwar years preceding the Second World War.


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