EIRP Proceedings, Vol 5 (2010)

The Jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights Violates the Fundamental Rights of the Human - The Right to Information and the Right to a Higher Court

Nistor Valerica


Currently the European Court of the human Rights, in accordance with regulations which establish the trial of requests received from citizens, is required to motivate and communicate just the favorable decisions and not those unfavorable, and the way of confronting the sentences has been excluded. In this way, the EDO Court deprives the European citizens of their fundamental rights, the right to "receive information ..." and the right "to a higher court." The Court of EDO complained of being stifled by too many requests introduced by the Europeans, in the case of lack of motivation of the decisions for the applications declared inadmissible and the introduction of the way of attacking the appeal, which would respect the fundamental rights of man - the right to information and the right of appeal - emphatically promoted by the Council of the European Union within the Project Constitution.


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