Author Details

Pușcaciu, Florin-Dan

  • Vol 9 (2014) - Performance and Risks in the European Economy
    Historical and Contemporary Aspects of the Market for the Cargo Traffic carried on the Romanian Ports
    Abstract  PDF  HTML
  • Vol 11 (2016) - Social Innovation and Social Economy
    Claw-back Tax - a Fang of Romanian Health System, or a Moral Duty?
    Abstract  PDF  HTML
  • Vol 12 (2017) - Performance and Risks in the European Economy
    Road Traffic in Romania in European Context - an Economic and Social Approach - part 1
    Abstract  PDF  HTML
  • Vol 12 (2017) - Performance and Risks in the European Economy
    Road Traffic in Romania in European Context - an Economic and Social Approach - part 2
    Abstract  PDF  HTML